Thursday, 26 October 2017

Seats Vacant

MBBS Admission Crisis, More Than 50% Of Private Seats Vacant


As the third round of counselling comes to an end, more than 50% of MBBS seats and almost 85% of dental seats in these institutes are still vacant. Deemed universities and private colleges across the country are staring at a huge crisis of unfilled undergraduate medical seats through the new system of centralised counselling introduced under the Supreme Court’s orders this year.
The deemed universities and private colleges fear that a majority of their seats will remain unfilled as, under new rules, they will not be allowed to admit students on their own. However, the government institutions will get a chance to fill these seat as these will be transferred to the states.
A senior health ministry official said, “The Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), is conducting the counselling will seek legal opinion on how to resolve the crisis of unfilled seats. Otherwise, there is a possibility of up to 12,000 seats will remain unfilled.”
Source Times of India

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

'Gender bias' could affect future healthcare policies

 | Updated: Jun 5, 2016, 10.11 AM IST

'Gender bias' could affect future healthcare policies (erhui1979/Getty Images)'Gender bias' could affect future healthcare policies (erhui1979/Getty Images)
A shocking gender bias in the treatment of heart diseases, the leading cause of deaths across India, has been exposed by a new pan-India study.
Women heart patients in India not only seem worse off physically (more likely than men to suffer from hypertension and diabetes), they are also less likely to get the right medication, shows the study run across 17 hospitals between 2011 and 2015. Conducted by the American College of Cardiology Foundation, the results appear in the recent edition of the peer-reviewed International Journal of Cardiology.

Until a decade ago, women were considered immune to heart diseases, but it is now known that post-menopausal women are at as much risk as men. But the data captured in the out-patient departments of the 17 hospitals reveal that Indian women get a raw deal as far as heart care is concerned.

In all, 31,796 women (32%) and 66,245 men were studied at these heart clinics. Firstly, the findings show that women heart patie nts are younger--48.9 years old--compared to men with an average age of 51.5 years.

Secondly , in percentage terms, more women had hypertension (62% against 45.6% men), diabetes (39.4%, against 35% men) and hyperlipidemia (3.7% against 3.1% men).

But the most significant finding is that fewer women patients, in percentage terms, received guideline-directed medical therapy (or was tested) than men. Only 38% of women patients got aspirin, as against 50.4% of the men. Similarly, 36.8% of the women in the study got beta-blockers as compared to 47.8% men.

"Our findings have significant implications for future health policy regulations in the Indian government's National Rural Health Mission program that has until recently, largely focused on prevention of communicable diseases and maternal and child welfare and education at primary healthcare delivery level," said the study , acknowledging that "gender disparity remains a challenge".

Dr Prafulla Kerkar, one of the main authors of the study and head of cardiology at KEM Hospital, Parel, said: "Cardiovascular disease has been recognized as the biggest killer at the national level, but we need focused programmes and grants for heart disease -more so among women as our study shows."

The reasons for gender disparities in cardiovascular diseases in India could be multifactorial, such as variation in culture, religion and social customs. "This could be related to greater importance of the society to men's health such as a tendency to preferentially spend resources on men's health care who are usually the sole source of household income," said the study .

Dr Ganesh Kumar from Hiranandani Hospital, Powai, who was also part of the Pinnacle study , said: "The study opens a Pandora's box about bias against women in heart care, but we need to understand that the medical fraternity doesn't differentiate between patients on the basis of gender. A patient is a patient for us. But heart disease among women doesn't follow the text book and it's often not easy to diagnose,'' he said.

A doctor who didn't want to be identified said women patients ignore medication advice, mainly because either they themselves or their family isn't willing to spend. "There are families that hold meetings to decide if a woman should undergo a heart operation or not. The same family won't think twice if the patient was a man."
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Women Doctors

Why are female doctors leaving medical profession
Though I agree with what Prof M C Gupta has elaborated but it skirts the core question. There are many reasons why a lot of female doctors leave medical profession;
1) Parents and society encourages girls to join medicine a respectable profession to increase their matrimonial prospects. This was actually stated by a young girl chronically absent in private medical college when asked by professor in front of the entire class why she joined medicine if she was not interested. So atleast some of them join, complete graduation get married and thereafter bid adieu to the profession because “in – laws” do not want her to work.
2) Excessive focus on things like "pediatric surgeon should not do pediatric urology". We, MCI and society in general has devalued MBBS as a degree. All of us now want to be pediatric surgeons with training / fellowship in pediatric urology and further specialization in uro oncology. Which means 24 yrs Internship, 25 yrs- 28 yrs PG one year preperation 29-32 yrs MCh / DM plus fellowships in urology/oncology/endoscopic ultrasonography/ =34-35 years.
3) When in between this race should a girl get married. If during the course the girl decides to get married even the female predominant gynae departments treat her like a pariah. Marriage during Post graduation is a big negative in eyes of our professors and seniors. If on top she gets pregnant ; only God can help.My own wife at full term delivered in the same labour room on the same day when she had done full labour room duty at esteemed PGIMER Chandigarh and was grudged her luxury of 1 week post partum leave which was well within her sanctioned casual leaves. Government talks of 6mths maternity leave but that is probably only for the 1st class citizens of India and not the female residents doing postgraduation in gynae at PGIMER.
4) When we say that a DM Gastroenterology needs to do further fellowship in Endoscopic ultrasonoraphy or POEM then obviously we mean that DM Gastroenterology / Cardiology / Endocrinilogy should only be done by male doctors because for females to break this "Iron ceiling" is well neigh impossible. We want our wives to be sweet 16 (OK sweet 24) but should ideally also be DM cardiology. Is it a surprise then that female doctors drop out from the rat race to be the paediatric endoscopic uro oncologist.
5) Having dropped out of the race female doctors (some of them exceedingly brilliant and more deserving than male counterparts) find it difficult to be "just" MBBS or work for few hours in the scarce jobs. 7 female doctors posted in Punjab Bhawan in Delhi is classic example of the doctor wives of high and mighty being adjusted against cushy postings even when no post is available. This luxury however is not available to a run of the mill female doctor who if is lucky to land a Government job is posted in a remote village and either live separate from her family or travel 4 hrs every day in public transport .
6) Our society (even us male doctors) wants their wives, daughters and daughter in laws to be doctors , gynaecologists , pediatricians and cardiologists but should be there to make the perfectly fluffed round chapati when the husband comes home. The combination is incongruous and ludicrous. Very few lucky female doctors find husbands and in laws who are supportive which is the reason most female doctors prefer to marry doctors who are more likely (not certain) to be more understanding of their predicament.
This wisdom for being more caring of our better halves comes only when one's daughter joins as first year resident in MS Ophthalmology as mine did. Though to be truthful I did my best during my wife's PG to be supportive and warded off 900 odd attempts by her to leave Post Graduation at PGIMER but then she has to be the judge of that
Dr Neeraj Nagpal 
Convenor,Medicos Legal Action Group, Managing Director MLAG Indemnity, 
Ex President IMA Chandigarh
Director Hope Gastrointestinal Diagnostic Clinic,
1184, Sector 21 B Chandigarh 
09316517176 , 9814013735
0172; 4633735, 2707935, 2706024, 5087794
For Contributions; "Medicos Legal Action Group" Ac No 499601010036479 IFSC code UBIN0549967 Union Bank Sector 35 C Chandigarh;

डाक्टरों की सामाजिक एवं राजनीतिक भूमिका

डाक्टरों की सामाजिक एवं राजनीतिक भूमिका
टाधुनिक चिकित्सा की बहुत सारी आलोचना चिकित्सा.विज्ञान पर नहीं , वरन चिकित्सा के पेशे की भूमिका पर आधारित होती है।
  भौतिकीविदों , रसायनशास्त्रियों ,गणितज्ञों, दार्शनिकों ,आदि के पेशागत संगठन प्राथमिक रुप से या विशिष्ट रुप से अपनी अपनी विशिष्ट विश्षयवस्तु से संबंधित हैं। इसके अलावा चिकित्सकों और सर्जनों के संगठन अपने सदस्यों के साथ ही पूरे पेशे के आर्थिक, पेशेवराना , और कानूनी हितों की रक्षा भी करते हैं। वे स्वास्थ्य -सेवा के प्रति सरकारी नीतियों को प्रभावित करते हैं औतर तार्किक और अतार्किक आधारों पर अपने पेशे में होने वाले अतिक्रमन को रोकते हैं।वे यह तय करते हैं कि किसी देश में कितने डाक्टर होने चाहिये या हो सकते हैं,आदि। उदाहरण के लिए , पिछले कुछ वर्षों से दूसरे देशों से आने वाले चिकित्सकों को पश्चिम में अपना पेशा शुरु करने की इजाजत के लिए अपनी योग्यता साबित करनी पड़ रही है। उन पर यह शर्त थोंपने में चिकित्सा संघों की भूमिका निर्णायक रही है। दूसरे किसी भी पेशे में ऐशी पाबन्दी नहीं है।
   अमेरिकी मैडीकल संघ,एएमए ने 1940 के दशक में राष्ट्रपति फै्रंकलिन डेलैनो रुजवेल्ट ; 1882..1945 द्ध द्वारा, राष्ट्रपति लिंडन बेंस जॅानसन ;1008.1973    द्ध ़द्वारा और बिल क्ंिलटन के राष्ट्रपति काल में सांसद हिलरी क्ंिलटन द्वारा लाए गए स्वास्थ्य सुधारों  में रुकावट डालने में अहम भूमिका अदा की । हर बार एएमए का यही दावा होता था  िकवह अपनी भूमिका मरीजों के ही व्यापक हितों को ध्याान में रखते हुए तए करता है। मगर उसकी भूमिका स्पष्ट रुप से चिकित्सों के पेशे के धनोपार्जन के हितों से ही तय होता रहा है। लेकिन पड़ौस में कनाडा के स्वास्थ्य सेवा सुधारों की सफलता की प्रेरणा से किसी-न-किसी तरह की स्वास्थ्य सेवा प्रणाली के लिए जो जन दबाव बना उसके चलते एएमए 2009-10 में राष्ट्रपति ओबामा द्वारा लाए जाने वाले सुधारों का समर्थन करने को बाध्य हुआ।
   कनाडा में सबके लिए स्वास्थ्य-सेवा लागू करने का पहला प्रयास1930 के दशक में नॉर्मन बेथ्यून ने किया था,हालांकि उस वक्त कोई सफलता नहीं मिली थी। आखिर सैस्कैचेवान के मुख्यमंत्री थॉमस ;टामीद्ध क्लीमेंट डगलस ;1904-1986द्ध ने इसे अपने प्रदेश में लागू किया । वहां चिकित्सा का पेशा अपनाने वालों की ओर से इसका तीखा अिरोध हुआ और डाक्टरों ने हड़ताल भी की। टॉमी डगलस के ही मत के कनाडा के प्रधानमंत्री लेस्टर बी. पियर्सन ;1897-1972द्ध ने ,जिन्हें सुएज संकट के समाधान के लिए 1957 का नोबेल शान्ति पुरुस्कार हासिल हुआ, 1966 में पूरे कनाडा में ‘ सबके लिए स्वास्थ्य- सेवा ’ लागू किया। चिकित्सा के पेशेवरों ने इसका भी विरोध किया, हालांकि इतने तीखे तरीके से नहीं जितना कि सैस्कैचेवान में।
     कनाडा की स्वास्थ्य सेवा योजना के लिए टॉमी डगलस को कनाडा ब्रॉडकास्टिंग कारपोरेशन द्वारा 2004 में चलाए गए एक सर्वेक्षण में ‘ तमाम युगों का महानतम कनाडाई ’ चुने जाने के रुप में औपचारिक तौर पर जन समर्थन और दूसरी तरफ चिकित्सकों का विरोध कनाडा में डाक्टरों और जनता के बीचनैतिकता के सवाल पर विपरीत मतों का सूचक है।
  लिंग भेद पूरी दुनिया में व्यापत है, हालांकि लगभग पिछले पचीस साल में महिलाओं के खिलाफ बेहद क्रूर किस्म के भेदभाव को दूर करने में काफी प्रगति हुई है। लेकिन विज्ञान के क्षे़त्र में जितनी महिलाएं होनी चाहिये उतनी अभी नहीं हैं। लिंग आधारित भेदभाव सामाजिक विकास -क्रम की सांस्कृतिक अभिव्यक्ति है। सामुती व्यवस्था और धार्मिक विश्वास महिलाओं के खिलाफ भेदभाव को कायम रखने में बड़ी भूमिका निभाते हैं। इस कारण से बहुत सी महिलाएं भी इसका समर्थन करती हैं।
   इस भेदभाव का एक बहुत भयानक रुप जिसका सीधा सम्बन्ध चिकित्सा के पेशे से है। वह है बेटे की अधिक  चाहत । अल्ट्रासाउण्ड उपलब्ध होने के कारण भ्रूण अगर कन्या हो तो गर्भपात कराने का चलन बहुत व्यापक हो चला है। बीसवीं सदी के पिछले दशक में भारत में एक करोड़ तक कन्या भ्रूणों की हत्या हुई। चिकित्सा के पेशेवरों की इसमें सक्रिय भागीदारी के बिना ऐसा नहीं हो पाता।
  स्त्री पुरुष की शारीरिक क्रियाएं भिन्न हैं और उन पर होने वाले रोगों के परिणाम भी भिन्न होते हैं। चिकित्सा के अधिकांश शोधकर्ता अपने आंकड़ों में जेंडर के प्रभाव का ध्यान न के बराबर ही रखते हैं। न तो कोई जर्नल और न ही कोई धनदाता संस्था ऐसा कोई जोर देती है कि सभी शोधों में जेंडर के अनुसार अध्ययन किया जाए । इसलिए जब हम यह पढ़ते हैं कि कोई एक दवा अवसाद कम करने के लिये  दूसरी दवा से बेहतर है ,तो हम यह नहीं जान पाते हें कि यह बात स्त्री और पुरुष दोनों के लिए लागू होती है या सिर्फ पुरुषों के लिए ?