Health in India:
The story of deep neglect
Extreme inequality in access to health care services and the
poor living conditions of a majority of the people are responsible for
the poor conditions of health in India. While people who can pay are
able to receive world class treatment facilities, for most people in India
a major illness in the family plunges the family into extreme poverty
and destitution.
Not only are healthcare facilities out of reach for most people,
routine public health measures to protect our people are denied to a
majority. India continues to figure among the bottom in global estimates
regarding deaths among infants and young children and among pregnant
women. India lags behind most countries, including many much poorer
than us, even in providing routine immunization to children.
India is also currently experiencing a ‘multiple burden of disease’.
Several preventable infectious diseases are growing unchecked, nutritionlinked
health problems (gross under-nutrition coexisting with a rising
trend of obesity) continue to affect millions, while chronic health
conditions are rising substantially.
Every family in India dreads a medical emergency. When a family
member falls ill, we pay from our pocket – often by selling our assets
or by borrowing. Thus the poor are either denied care because they
cannot bear the expenses or the family gets pushed to further poverty
and destitution. As families cope with health shocks the vicious cycle
of poverty and ill-health continues. Poor health services in the country are a tale of deep apathy of successive governments towards the suffering
of a majority of the poor and the vulnerable. Those in power have
contributed to the systematic neglect of the public health system on
one hand and to an aggressive expansion of unaffordable, often
unnecessary, unethical and low quality private health services on the
In this booklet we highlight some of the key issues pertaining to
health of millions of Indians and raise some of the key demands for
improvement of access to quality health care.
Poor Conditions of Health
One-fifth of world’s children who die before their fifth birthday
are born in India, while the highest number of mothers who die while
giving birth are from India. We perform poorly in comparison to
most countries in the world, including most developing countries. Even
in our region, only two countries lag behind India. See Box 1 to
understand how we continue to be one of the worst performing
countries in the world as regards healthcare and health outcomes. A
survey of 179 countries across the world shows that India is among
the least safe countries to be a mother (Save the Children, 2015). High
undernourishment prevalent among women in the reproductive age
group, coupled with low coverage of care during pregnancy (ante natal
care – ANC) make women vulnerable at the time of delivery and lead
to complications. Millions of children die every year from preventable
diseases because they are not immunized and from hunger and
malnutrition. Over one-third of our children do not get enough food,
a rate that is comparable or worse than some of the poorest countries
in Africa. Children die routinely from common diseases like diarrhea
and pneumonia because of lack of access to safe drinking water, lack
of sanitary facilities and absence of free public facilities for treatment.
Surveys show that only 68.7 % of women have received three
antenatal check-ups, only 26.3% of pregnant women have consumed
more than 100 iron and folic tablets and only 61% of children (12 -23
months) have been fully immunized.
India ranks 119thof 169 countries in Human Development Index(HDI)
India ranks 140th of 179 countries as the best place to be a
mother (State of World’s Mother 2015)
India is placed at 67thof 84 countries in Global Hunger Index
More than a fifth of under five deaths per year, take place in
India – the highest anywhere in the world; a majority of these deaths
are preventable
More than 100 million children under five are undernourished,
and 8.5 million suffer from severe acute malnutrition.
Only half of children under five receive routine immunisation
(National Family Health Survey III)
Only about half (52%) of deliveries are safe: (National Rural
Health Mission)
Only one-third of children having diarrhoea receive ORS (State
of the World’s Children, UNICEF, 2011)
Pneumonia: 69% taken to hospital and only 13% receive
antibiotics (SoWC, 2011)
Only half of the pregnant women receive 3 or more check ups
before delivery
Box 1: Where do we stand in protecting our people’s
Table 1: A cross country comparison of key health
outcomes and outputs
As we can see from Table 1, India fares poorly in comparison
to even developing countries, including our immediate neighbours Sri
Lanka and Bangladesh.
The state of public health is clearly depicted by the fact that we
are not able to protect a large number of children from vaccine
preventable illnesses. Childhood vaccination is regarded as one of the
most cost effective interventions to prevent child deaths. A third of the
un-immunized children across the world are in India. Large inequalities
in immunization coverage persist in India, across and within states and
according to wealth, caste, religion, location etc. Children from the
richest wealth group are 2.5 times more likely to be immunized than
their poorest counterparts. It is distressing to note that states which had
performed well earlier (as per data available in 2005-06) have slipped
back over the last ten years, including Tamil Nadu, Haryana, Uttarakhand
and Maharashtra (Fig 1). Most significant is the decline in TN. From
being among leading states in terms of full immunisation coverage, the
state has experienced a dramatic 11.2 percentage point decline. The
major reason for stagnation or decline in overall immunisation coverage
is decline in coverage in urban areas. Most noteworthy is the decline in
Haryana (from 82.2 to 57%), Maharashtra (68 to 55.8), Tamil Nadu
(83.7 to 73.3) and Uttarakhand (67.2 to 56.5).
Health of Women and Girls
Discrimination faced women and girls have a lasting and tragic
impact on their health status. Data from National Family Health Survey
(NFHS) shows that child deaths rates for girls are 61 per cent higher
than those for boys after the first month, all the way up through age
four. Among 15-19 year olds in the country, complications during
pregnancy are the leading cause of death. As many as two out of three
adolescent girls living in India’s backward districts have experienced
sexual violence.
Maternal death rates continue to be very high (at 190/ 100,00
live births, one of the highest rates in the world). Maternal deaths are
highest amongst young women, while girls continue to be married off
before the legal age of marriage. Too many girls become pregnant
before tyhey are old enough and before their bodies are ready for
pregnancy. This combined with malnutrition and anemias ensure that
young women, many still in their teens, die during pregnancy. Women
also continue to die around child birth because health facilities in many
parts of the country are not equipped to provide emergency care to
them when complications arise, the quality of care during pregnancy
available is inadequate, and safe abortion services in the public sector
are inaccessible for the majority of women. Quality contraceptive
services as are not provided according to what women need. Instead
women are targeted for hysterectomies to achieve family planning
camps. Horrendous accounts surface periodically of how women are
herded into unhygienic and under staffed hysterectomy camps.
The burden of communicable, non-communicable diseases and
mental distress is also seen more in women. Sexually transmitted diseases
amongst women remain undiagnosed, and when diagnosed can have
drastic social consequences for them. Heart attack and stroke are more
lethal for women, and depression twice as common. Women over the
age of 60 years have greater disability and suffer more from ill health
than men of the same age-group, due to delays in or lack of healthseeking,
mismatched care provision (as women are under-represented
in health care delivery systems and in research, particularly related to
chronic diseases).Gender-based violence is extremely high, with as many as 40.3%
of women reporting at least one instance of physical abuse. There
seems to be an epidemic of sexual violence against women in recent
years. Mental and physical consequences of violence against women
need to be addressed by the health sector
Neglect of public health system
In most countries where people have near universal access to
health care, it has been achieved through a well-functioning public health
system. Here we may note that while a well functioning system to
provide universal access to care is a necessary condition for good health
outcomes, it is not sufficient on its own. Good health is a result of
better nutrition, safe drinking water and sanitation, universal access to
education, gainful employment and equitable and inclusive development,
better working and living conditions, control over addictions as well as
environmental pollution and an end to various forms of discrimination.
Reduction in poverty itself contributes immensely to improved health
A strong, comprehensive public health system is the most efficient
way to provide appropriate health care. It creates a separation between
health care needs and people’s ability to pay for healthcare. It also allows
much stricter control of health care costs, serves as an effective check
on unregulated growth of the private sector and helps prevent unethical
practices in the private sector. However, in
India the public health system
has experienced continuous
neglect, systematic underinvestment,
provisioning of a
select set of services and a
‘targeted’ approach. The
introduction of National
Rural Health Mission had
introduced some efforts to
strengthen public systems for
a limited set of services;however recent trends show that there is a reversal already taking place
due to cuts in budgets.
India’s poor investment in health care translates into a failure to
create the necessary health infrastructure, or to build a health workforce,
or to ensure availability of necessary equipment, diagnostic facilities
and medicines. We are just not adding enough beds in public hospitals
or enough doctors and nurses to make public services effective.
After the introduction of some public health measures under
the NHRM, some improvements did take place. Services of close to
23,000 doctors, 35,000 nurses and 70,000 ANMs and 10,000
management staff were added under the NRHM. However as
compared to the government’s own Public Health Standards, this is
less than one-third of the total number of public health workforce
that is required. Further the terms of engagement of these staff were
extremely adverse -- almost all of the additional staff under NHRM is
contractual, with remuneration packages often less than half of the
regular staff that does the same work, and with no security of tenure.
There continue to be substantial shortfalls in the number of SubCentres
(SC), Primary Health Centres (PHCs) and Community Health
Centres (CHCs) across states. Nationally, there are only 0.16 facilities
for every 10,000 persons, and there are approximately 5.5 government
beds for every 10,000 persons. Outpatient visits have nearly doubled
from 55 per 1,000 persons in 1995-96 to 100.7 per 1,000 in 2014, with
more marked increases in urban as compared to rural areas. Inpatient
episodes increased nearly three-fold in the same period, from 15 per 1,000 persons in 1995-96 to 44 per 1,000 in 2014. Yet the number of
beds in the public sector, per 10,000 population has remained stagnant
since the 1980s.
For SCs, nearly 21 states had shortfalls ranging from 4.4% in
Jammu and Kashmir to 50.6% in Delhi. Uttar Pradesh (33.9%),
Jharkhand (34.5%), Meghalaya (46.6%) and Bihar (47.7%) also have
high shortfalls in the number of SCs. For PHCs, the states of Uttar
Pradesh, Delhi, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal and Jharkhand
had shortfalls ranging from 28.6-69.8%. For CHCs, states with shortfalls
above 30% included Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, West Bengal,
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Sikkim, Assam, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Delhi. Nationally, the shortfall was: SCs, 20.1%; PHCs, 24.1%;
and CHCs, 37.9% (GoI, 2011). More than three quarter of Sub-centres
(76.4%) do not have any water supply. Piped water is not available in a
majority of PHCs (63.3%) and CHCs (54.6%). Almost a third of PHCs
(32.5%) do not have a functional labour room for conducting deliveries.
Seven out of every ten CHCs (70.9%) do not have regular power
supply (Concurrent evaluation, NRHM, 2011).
One of the most important reasons for underutilization of
primary health care facilities is the lack of the full range of required
primary care services. Most sub-centers and PHCs provide little beyond
immunization services, some ante-natal care and at best care for normal
delivery. Most treatment of chronic illness like hypertension and diabetes
is referred away and so is the treatment for most infectious disease
except some of those on the national programmes. This would accounts
for less than 20% of all health care needs. Along with expansion of
infrastructure and filling up vacancies of human resources, quality of
care delivered at public health facilities need immediate attention.