Friday, 9 February 2024

*Health services rural Haryana*


*Health services rural Haryana*

The condition of rural health services in Haryana is very miserable as per the parameters of the Govt. of India .

There should be one sub health centre on 5000 population .

There needs to be one Primary Health Centre (PHC) for 30,000 population

It is recommended that there should be one Community Health Centre(CHC) on

(80000 -1,20000) population means for 1,00000 population .

*Sub Health Centre 😘

--At present ---2650

--Should be As per 2011 population ...3301

--Should be As per 2020 projected population...3678

*Primary Health Centre 😘

--At present ...531

--Should be As per 2011 population---550

--Should be As per 2020 projected population..613

*Community Health Centre 😘

--At present--128

--Should be As per 2011 population---165

--Should be As per 2020 projected population--183

If we go through the data of rural health services in Haryana , as per 2011 rural population of Haryana norms , we find lack of required infrastructure.

 *We have deficiency of 651 Sub Health Centres, 19 Primary Health Centres and 37 Community Health Centres.*

Similarly if we consider the Haryana projected  rural population  of 2020, then it is still more miserable.

*Then we have deficiency of 1028 Sub Health Centres, 82 Primary Health Centres and 55 Community Health Centres*

The staff which is required in these is also not as per required norms.

It is recommended that there should following specialists  in each CHC:-

General Surgeon-1

Physician- 1

Obstetrician &




We do not  have the details of posting of these specialists in CHC's on the web of Haryana Health Deptt. *But as far as general view is concerned , there are hardly a few CHC's where all 5 specialists are available.*

 Similar is the situation of Medical officers , nurses, radiographers and other para medical staff in PHC or CHC.

   As per the norms of Govt of India , following staffing requirements are recommended for each PHC and CHC in Haryana.

Required Staff of rural Health Services .

Sub Health Centres:-

1 Female Health Worker

1 Male Health Worker


1 Volunteer Worker to help FHW

*Required Staff for PHC  😘

Type A--

1. Medical Officer ..1 Essential

2. Medical Officer Ayush..1 Desirable.

3. Data operator..1

4. Pharmacist ..1

Pharmacist Ayush..1 Desirable

5. Nurse -Mide Wife(SN)..3

+1 Desirable

6. Health worker F..1*

7. Health Assistant M..1

8. Health Assistant F..1

9. Health Educator ..1 Desirable

10. Lab Technician..1

11.Cold Chain Assistant..1 Desirable

12. Mukti Skilled Group D Worker..2

13. Sanitary Worker..1




Type B--

1. Medical Officer ..1 Essential

Desirable ..1

2. Medical Officer Ayush..1 Desirable.

3. Data operator..1

4. Pharmacist ..1

Pharmacist Ayush..1 Desirable

5. Nurse -Mide Wife(SN)..4

+1 Desirable

6. Health worker F..1*

7. Health Assistant M..1

8. Health Assistant F..1

9. Health Educator ..1 Desirable

10. Lab Technician..1

11.Cold Chain Assistant..1 Desirable

12. Mukti Skilled Group D Worker..2


13. Sanitary Worker..1





*Required Staff for CHC:-*

1.  Block Medical Officer /Medical Superintendent ..1

2. Public Health Specialist ..1

3. Public Health Nurse( PHN)..1


4. General Surgeon ..1

5. Physician..1

6. Obstetrician and Gynaecologist..1

7. Paediatrician ..1

8. Anaesthetist..1

9. Dental Surgeon.. 1

19. General Duty Medical Officer..2

20.Medical Officer Ayush ..1

21. Staff nurse..10

22. Pharmacist..1


23.Pharmacist Ayush..1

24. Lab Technician..2

25 . Radiographer..1

26.Dietician ..1 Desirable

27. Ophthalmic Assistant..1

28.Dental Assistant..1

29. Cold Chain& Vaccine logistic Assistant..1

30. OT Technician..1

31. Multi Rehabilitation /Community Based Rehabilitation Worker..1

Desirable ..+1

32. Counsellor..1

33. Registration Clerk..2

34. Statistical Assistant /Data Entry operator ..2

35. Account assistant..1

36. Administrative Assistant..1

37.  Dresser/ certified by Red cross..1

38. Ward boys/Nursing Orderly..5

39. Driver* ..*1 may be out sourced. Desirable..3




 The news papers report many times point out deficiency of staff in many districts.

*Kaithal district health care services*

200 beded civil hospital.

* No ultrasound facility.

* No Radiologist available

* Only one orthopedics surgeon overburdened.

* 55 sanctioned posts of doctors for Kaithal Civil Hospital. 25 posts filled out of which 9 remain absent from duty. Only 16 doctors at present..

*District Kaithal*

* Medical officers sanctioned posts for district Kaithal..133.

* Vacant..75*

* Chronic absent from duty..13

* Gone for course..5

*No.of Medical Officers currently working in District Kaithal ..40*

* Of eight posts of deputy CMO's,only one filled, while seven are vacant.

*Haryana Tribune,* *18 January, 2020*

*Karnal District* Health Services

In CM's dist, Karnal hospitals make do with half doctor strength

Health institutions in Karnal

1 Civil Hospital

2 Subdivisional hospitals

5 CHCs

14 PHCs

3 Dispensaries

1 in jail

1 Polyclinic

Sanctioned posts of doctors 154

*Vacancies 87*

Health Centres without doctors:




Samana bahu





Kunj pura




Postpartam unit of Civil Hospital

Civil Hospital has 42 sanctioned posts

Only 22 doctors are there

Nilokheri subdivisional hospital four of the 11 posts are vacant.

In Gharaunda 5 of the 6 sanctioned posts are vacant.

*Source (The Tribune, dated 25 Nov.2019)*

  It is sincere effort of *JAN SAWASTHAYA ABHIYAN HARYANA* to make the people aware about these issues  so that people make Health as people's agenda.

*Dr R.S.Dahiya*

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