Thursday, 16 November 2023

Nurses in pgims

 Nurses in PGIMS and corona care :-

Medical Council of India 

Nurses Council of India

As per the strength of total beds in PGIMS Rohtak 3100 total Nursing Staff is required.

But the Sanctioned posts are as follows

Nuses post...1150 approximately.

Nursing Sisters..  228. "

Administrative posts ...22

At present the position of staff is 

Nurses ...    850 approximately

Nursing Sister ..200 "

Administrate posts ...10 "

20--30 go for higher education

About 40 on delivery leaves .

About 30 ..40 on medical leave 

80 nurses corona positive 

150 nurses have been deputed for corona centre

The surgical ward used to have 18 nurses though these were also a bit less. But now there are only 5 nurses in ward 6. So one can imagine the care quality of non corona cases.

Many people point out the deficiency of corona management. Of course they should be improved. 

Instead of CRITICAL approach , the APPROACH should be strengthen the infrastructure of PGIMS and Staff required, so that PGIMS can fight with corona bravely . For this people will have to demand from the Govt to Strengthen PGIMS, to fight corona courageously.

Jan Swasthya Abhiyan Haryana

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