Thursday, 20 October 2011

Health Tourism

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Medical tourism statistics in India

September 3rd, 2011 admin Leave a comment Go to comments
Statistics from medical tourism in India indicate that medical tourism is adjacent to the IT industry in perspective and horizon. It is a lucrative area today appealed to a large number of young enthusiasts to come and join this sector. Whatever the services of travel accommodation tourism home prospects and fields of application are really endless and the opportunities are ample to Sky High jumps career in this booming field.
The medical tourism in India statistics show that Seventeen percent of graduates who are currently unemployed may well achieve the specifications of their career by taking a dip in development in this area as well as prospects. A statistical analysis for Indian medical tourism has shown that one hundred and twenty million nearly two hundred million people can be insured with prospect of engagement in this sector jobs by the year 2020.
Medical tourism is said to be the second most popular industry now-a-days. The increase in the number of medical tourists each year denotes that the medical tourism industry will soon be on the boom. The patients who long for quick and effective cure of the diseases visit India on medical tourism. The world class infrastructure and highly qualified team of doctors available in India favors the booming demand for medical tourism services.
Medical Tourism, as the Indian medical tourism statistics show, will be the world ‘s largest work and by the year 2010. This is a good pace with the extent of development in medical technology in India. Based on statistics for medical tourism in India, it was observed that the advent of medical science has paved the way for the emergence of a large number of working efficiently groups of hospitals that are restoration patients in India and abroad.
Medical Tourism in India statistics show that a large number of youth entering future in this area and are standing at the threshold to earn Rs 8000 to Rs 15000. The statistical projections for medical tourism in India indicates that the profitability will increase with more and more high-tech specialized hospitals and medical clinics to come into the picture. The influx of customers and increase day by day people come knocking at the gates of India for medical treatment and care. This will certainly lead to a breakthrough professional for those who are today medical tourism.
Forecasts studies on various aspects of public relations and the implementation of this in the middle of the tourism industry medical doctor tourism statistics in India deals with new possibilities for the future of workers of the future domain. The services sector experts and public relations professionals say that the past for statistical analysis Indian medical tourism industry has shown the constant rise in the rate of staff turnover. Statistics from medical tourism in India also indicate projected increase in the number of professionals increasingly the ground.
India is effective in the centres open-heart surgery, hip and knee replacement, pediatric cardiac surgery, dentistry, bone marrow transplant, cosmetic surgery and therapy of cancer, and all the houses medical l ‘India later technically advanced diagnostic equipment. What has made India exceed almost all ‘s competitors in medical tourism, as the statistics of medical tourism in India indicate. Indian medical tourism will soon be the most lucrative emerging sector to be the best in the Asian sub-continent and certainly win a name in the world. Medical services provided in Indian context are incomparable low price. This is the main impetus to direct a large number of people looking for a reliable treatment in India who opened the doors of opportunities in medical tourism in India.
Statistics from medical tourism in India show that the quality of reception and care in specialized hospitals across the country reached U.S. standards and there are medical centres in India itself that provide services that are rare elsewhere . For example, hip surgery patients in India can opt for a resurfacing of the hip. All these services are taken into account in formulating the statistics of medical tourism in India today.

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