Monday 18 March 2024

Quality of Family Planning Services


Quality of Family Planning Services

38. Health worker ever talked to female non-users about family planning (%) 21.2 26.9 24.9 23.0

39. Current users ever told about side effects of current method8

(%) 71.6 68.2 69.1 63.5

LHV = Lady health visitor; ANM = Auxiliary nurse midwife; na = Not available

( ) Based on 25-49 unweighted cases

1Piped water into dwelling/yard/plot, piped to neighbour, public tap/standpipe, tube well or borehole, protected dug well, protected spring, rainwater, tanker truck, cart

with small tank, bottled water, community RO plant.

2Flush to piped sewer system, flush to septic tank, flush to pit latrine, flush to don't know where, ventilated improved pit (VIP)/biogas latrine, pit latrine with slab, twin

pit/composting toilet, which is not shared with any other household. This indicator does not denote access to toilet facility.

3Electricity, LPG/natural gas, biogas.

4Refers to women/men who completed standard 9 or higher and women/men who can read a whole sentence or part of a sentence.

5Equivalent to the age-specific fertility rate for the 3-year period preceding the survey, expressed in terms of births per 1,000 women age 15-19.

6Any method includes other methods that are not shown separately; Any modern method includes other modern methods that are not shown separately.

7Unmet need for family planning refers to fecund women who are not using contraception but who wish to postpone the next birth (spacing) or stop childbearing

altogether (limiting). Specifically, women are considered to have unmet need for spacing if they are:

 · At risk of becoming pregnant, not using contraception, and either do not want to become pregnant within the next two years, or are unsure if or when they want to

become pregnant.

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